
casa larrain, chile

casa larrain, done by chilean architect cecelia puga is intriguing, however when i first was introduced (at a lecture given by puga) i was uncertain. there was something too obvious (i'm not talking about the general form of it) and i was left skeptical. but puga's explanation of chilean architecture sheds some light. shes says:
'We have never had access to the type of technology that you do in more developed countries, so we missed certain movements like deconstructivism and the more recent focus on digital technologies. Instead, we've been forced to stick with and develop modernism with more modest construction means and with local materials and labour,'
there is something honest and humble about this house. despite the acrobatics, it doesn't feel like it's trying too hard like many "modern", contemporary homes do. i am curious of it's current condition in the aftermath of the recent earthquakes in the area.
photos via: new architects

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